My passion for photography has been life long and I have always found inspiration in the urban landscapes. Through my practice I capture the essence of a city; its history, architecture and life. I learned to explore the cities from every angle, scaling to the top of construction sites to capture the skylines, architecture and the melee of everyday life.
It wasn't until the creation of my series shot in Havana that I became fascinated with the view point crossroads provided, the diverse crumbling building facades, vibrant life and vintage cars that could be seen at every angle create a snapshot of a city frozen in the past. The crossroads presented a way for me to capture many angles at once creating huge visual depth and hinting at the stories behind the people walking through the shot unaware of one another.
Each city has led me to discover different view points particular to its architecture and for me my photography is about finding the angle that portrays not just the visuals of the city but its personality and spark.
The large scale format lets the viewer lose themselves in the artwork; it's depth, stories and colours.